The IntelliSIMS team has performed numerous advanced analyses of offshore structures and structural components under fatigue loads. The team has participated in the background testing and research that has led to the development of modern fatigue remedial techniques and fatigue damage NDT technologies. We have also performed fracture mechanics based engineering critical assessments (ECA) for welded connections in offshore structures. For details see our case studies.

Services include:

  • Spectral response fatigue analysis of offshore platforms including both fixed and floating structures
  • Deterministic fatigue analysis of offshore platforms
  • Engineering critical assessment of welded connections for new design offshore structures to avoid the requirement of post weld heat treatment (PWHT)
  • Development of flaw acceptance criteria to assist field installation of offshore pipelines and steel catenary risers (SCRs)
  • Fracture mechanics based assessment of existing structures to explore significance of flaw type of damage
  • Detailed design of structural components to mitigate poor fatigue behavior


  • Engineering critical assessment to avoid PWHT for topsides structures
  • Development of flaw acceptance criteria for SCR and pipelines for deepwater GOM projects
  • Engineering critical assessment of crack damage in offshore pipelines
  • Development of inspection tools for specialist applications